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History Is Cyclical

History Is Cyclical by Daria Maksimova

Honorable mention

Design information

Design name

History Is Cyclical

Primary function


Location of the project


Year of design



Interior Design


Daria Maksimova (Interior Designer), Ekaterina Naumova (Style project) Photographer : Olga Meleketseva


Like any person, in nature, in the world, there is nothing of the same type. The diversity of characters, the interweaving of customs, the multitude of opinions: this reflects our multifaceted inner and outer world. We must learn to keep a balance between past and present experience, then the future will be beautiful. Color, lines, rhythms, art and furniture from different styles and eras must be in harmony with each other in order to create an atmosphere of comfort and a better life. The house should not fetter us, the house should help us create beauty around us. History is cyclical.



