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Parallel Villa

Parallel Villa

3rd Winner

Design information

Design name

Parallel Villa

Primary function


Location of the project


Year of design




Design team

Ghasem Navaei, Mohammad Shalikar , Mohsen Fallahi , Sadaf Davoudi , Hadiseh Pourebrahim

Lead designer

Ghasem Navaei




Parallel villa is a summer house project, located in Nava, Larijan, Amol. Which overlooks the nature around. One of the significant properties of this project is steep slope which led to height difference. The design is inspired by the site topography and the employer′s demand on dwelling and using two generations of a family (father and son). Also due to locating the site in the vicinity of a river, we had to consider river zone in our design. Finally according to the needs of the employer in using occupancy area, permissible density, considering the river zone and applied leveling in the past, stair retreat in volumes was exerted. Cutting the primitive volume and moving them vertically we earned two vertical volumes in two different levels. Thus, similar to inside of the project which two generations live together despite of differences, there is two parallel volumes on exterior face. In interior designing of the project, we had some efforts to design independent spaces at the same time, provide the possibility to access each of these sections from inside of the project. In other word, these two volumes are separated from outside and attached from inside. The other notable property of this project is its pleasant view to the Damavand mount, mountains around and mountainous road. For this reason, with building a terrace, the possibility of using this incredible view is provided. Also the protrusion of the terrace makes a proper cantilever for summer heat and better view to scenes around. According to the climate of the region, being at 2300 height above sea level and snowy winters, the black galvanized plates are used in the final surface and roof. So a continuous and attached cover formed on walls and roofs. With more absorption of sun radiation the inside temperature become pleasant. Thus, the outer walls preserved from extreme cold and heat loss will be less.

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