

Honorable mention

Design information

Design name


Primary function

Elevator Cabin

Location of the project


Year of design



Industrial Products Design

Design team

Mohsen Talebi, Mohammad Heidari

Lead designer

Mohsen Talebi




Today, we use elevators in almost every building, and all of us seek a vertical ride that is comfortable in a harmonious and elegant designed cabin with pleasant lighting. I got inspired by the idea Beauty is in simplicity and tried to use simple things which most people like. People generally do not like sharp corners. So, I thought it would be better to use corners as less we can and use curves instead. Now, they cannot find an angle in the Zaha model. Then we add RGB lights to make it more beautiful and colorful. Also, all the panels have been made of white laminated security glass, and the reflection of RGB glasses color them. I’m a fan of Ms. Zaha Hadid, who is, unfortunately, a deceased architect (RIP). I have liked her own and her team’s projects for years. So, I put her name on this cabin and got inspired by her work designing the Zaha model. Zaha has been designed for all types of buildings, such as residential or administrative buildings. It has a strong visual impact through its stylish and enjoyment. Besides its good appearance, all standards have been met, and It's pretty safe because of its high-quality materials. Every delicate detail of the Zaha cabin, including its structures, technical parts, and beauty, is a result of skillful craftsmen. The project started in Jun 2020 in Iran and finished in August 2021 in Iran, and was exhibited in September 2021 All panels are made of aluminum, white laminated security glass, and RGB lights. The diameter of the glasses is 12mm (Two 6mm glasses) and the other sizes depend on elevator capacity. The main challenge was the material we used in Zaha. Elevator Cabins are usually made of steel, but Zaha is all made of aluminum, and all its walls and floor are glassy. Molding and high expenses were other challenges that we had.

Company information

Specialized manufacturer of elevator cabins and other related equipment
